Treatments for sagging skin in Charlotte

Nobody wants sagging skin, especially not on their face. Yet, at some point, most people encounter some form of facial sagging as they age, whether it’s sagging under the eyes or jawline or drooping jowls.

But what causes facial skin sagging? And what can be done about it?

The team at Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery shares what you need to know about facial skin sagging, including how you can restore your skin’s youthful appearance.

Why Facial Skin Sags

As you age, your body produces less collagen and elastin, which are two proteins found in the skin that allow the skin to maintain its structure, elasticity, and tautness.

With less natural collagen and elastin in the body, the skin’s ability to bounce back and maintain its structural integrity declines over time, allowing for the formation of wrinkles and sagging.

A lot of the facial skin sagging people experience is part of the natural aging process. But lifestyle choices can exacerbate the effects. Stress, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and unprotected sun exposure can all contribute to the rate at which a person’s skin sags.

Treatments for Skin Tightening

The best way to treat sagging skin is prevention. Wear sunscreen every day, properly cleanse and moisturize your face, and try sleeping on your back more.

In addition to taking preventative measures, there are both surgical and non-surgical options available to treat sagging skin.

  • Retinol and prescription retinoids – These topical solutions can increase collagen production and encourage greater skin cell turnover. Topical solutions should be applied regularly for the best results.
  • Non-surgical skin tightening – Using laser technology, a board-certified plastic surgeon can heat the skin’s dermal layer to stimulate collagen production, working to lift and tighten the skin over time. Multiple treatments are usually required, but there is little to no downtime, and non-surgical skin tightening is effective for people with mild to moderate sagging.
  • Dermal fillers – Made with hyaluronic acid, fillers, such as Juvederm and Restylane, can temporarily fill and plump sagging skin in the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and under the eyes.
  • Facelift – For more substantial facial sagging, surgery may be the most effective approach. After recovery, a facelift can offer immediate and long-lasting results.

Book an Appointment

To learn more about how you can treat sagging facial skin, call or email the expert term at Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Robert Graper or Dr. Garrett Harper.