Surgical Facility Accreditation

While planning to undergo plastic surgery, you have probably put a lot of thought into who will perform your procedure. Have you also considered where your procedure will be performed?

To ensure a safe surgical experience, you should work with a plastic surgeon who operates in an accredited surgical facility. Accreditation is a voluntary process in which a facility must demonstrate it meets strict standards for safety, cleanliness, staff and equipment. The process of being accredited involves a rigorous on-site survey in which factors such as the facility’s operating rooms, equipment and personnel are carefully evaluated.

There are a few different accrediting agencies in the United States. The team at Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery operates in our on-site surgical facility, which is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).

Here, our plastic surgeons explain more about why surgical facility accreditation matters.

Clean and Safe Facility

Hygiene and sanitization are of the utmost importance in any surgical setting. An AAAASF-accredited surgical facility must demonstrate it adheres to strict standards for cleanliness, sterilization and maintenance of materials and equipment. For example, the facility must prove that it properly sterilizes instruments to prevent the spread of bacteria. The operating room(s) must be up to code in all respects.

Licensed, Qualified Staff

Accreditation agencies look at the qualifications of every person who works in the operating room, not just the surgeon. To be accredited, a facility must demonstrate that all personnel, including nurses, anesthesiologists and other operating room technicians, are highly qualified and licensed.

Prepared for Emergencies

Although no one likes to think about an issue arising during surgery, accredited surgical facilities are prepared. To receive accreditation, the facility is required to have appropriate emergency medications and equipment available as well as trained personnel who can respond quickly if something goes awry.

Compliance With Privacy Laws

An accredited facility respects your privacy and protects your private information from reaching the wrong hands. Accreditation requires strict compliance with laws pertaining to recordkeeping, patient care and privacy policies and procedures.

Reputable and Well Run

Before a surgical facility can apply for accreditation, it must be up and running for a certain amount of time under state certification. This waiting period allows the surgical facility time to demonstrate that it is credible and well run.

Contact Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery

If you would like to learn more about our plastic surgeons or the facility where we operate, please contact Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery today.