Lip Augmentation CHARLOTTE, NC

If you wish you had fuller lips, you may be interested in lip augmentation. Whether your lips have thinned with age or you simply wish to emulate the pouty lips that are so trendy right now, the easiest way to achieve your desired look is with dermal fillers. Read on to learn which types of injectables the team of experienced Certified Nurse Injectors at Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery recommend for achieving attractive, kissable lips.

Juvéderm Is Best

Juvéderm is both the best-known and most effective brand of dermal filler available today. It is composed of HA (hyaluronic acid), a natural substance that adds hydration and volume to your skin. Injections also stimulate new collagen production to develop additional volume in the weeks that follow.

Our Certified Nurse Injectors prefer Juvéderm for lip augmentation because its gel has a smoother consistency than some of its competitors. That ensures that your lips maintain a more natural appearance, even though the lips are larger. Furthermore, Juvéderm includes lidocaine, a local anesthetic that minimizes discomfort during the treatment. Finally, although most patients are thrilled with their results, Juvéderm is reversible in case you decide that lip augmentation is not the right choice for you. 

When injected into your lips, Juvéderm typically lasts about six to 12 months, meaning that touchups are only required once or twice a year to maintain your results indefinitely.

Different Types of Juvéderm Can Help Fulfill Your Specific Cosmetic Goals

We offer several types of Juvéderm at our Charlotte office to best fulfill your personal preferences.

  • Juvéderm Ultra XC is great for lips that are naturally thinner due to genetics. The gel creates soft contours that do not look artificial.
  • Juvéderm Volbella is usually the injectable of choice for slightly older patients who have begun to develop vertical age lines around their lips. That is because this filler not only adds volume to the lips but also helps to minimize those perioral wrinkles.
  • Juvéderm Vollure is the longest-lasting option, with results lasting as long as 18 months. We often find it offers some of the softest-looking lips.

Ultimately, the amount of filler that is used can be just as important as the type of filler itself. Your nurse will check to see whether you prefer a subtle or exaggerated augmentation (or somewhere in between) to help determine how many CCs to use.

Learn More About Your Lip Augmentation Options

The trick to achieving great lip augmentation results is to seek care from a top injector. Our nurses have not only trained extensively in administering Juvéderm, but they now also train other aestheticians in this type of care. To add natural-looking volume to your lips, schedule an appointment with our experts by calling 704-375-7111.