If you were to ask people what one part of their body they would like to improve most, one of the most popular answers would undoubtedly be the stomach. Because the abdomen is prone to excess weight and loose skin, it makes sense that people would like to upgrade the appearance of their bellies. At Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery,our top doctors have helped many patients to achieve a more appealing tummy.
Tighter Tummy
Abdominoplasty is best known for providing a flat tummy. It accomplishes this by excising loose skin that had previously stretched out by pregnancy or weight fluctuation. Because loose skin that does not snap back into place cannot be fixed with diet and exercise, surgery is the best way to tone up the stomach’s appearance. Skin that is not removed during the surgery is pulled tight for a smooth and natural look.
Some Fat Removal
While tummy tuck is primarily concerned with the skin, your surgeon can also remove small deposits of fat to achieve nicer contours. Alas, it is not possible to excise large amounts of fat with this procedure.
If you would like a more dramatic amount of fat removed, speak to Dr. Garrett Harper or Dr. Robert Graper about combining liposuction with your tummy tuck. Liposuction can permanently remove unwanted fat cells from the stomach region to better achieve a toned appearance.
Fewer Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are common on the belly, especially if you have been pregnant at some point. When the skin is tightened during abdominoplasty, it effectively eliminates the stretch marks that exist between the belly button and the bikini line. Be aware that stretch marks above and below this region will not disappear, though they move lower on your body.
Unfortunately, patients are unable to avoid having a scar following the procedure. The good news is that Dr. Harper and Dr. Graper will carefully make the incision low enough that it can be concealed with clothing — even underwear or bikini bottoms. That means that you can show off your new figure at the beach without worrying about putting your surgical scar on display.
Several Weeks of Hydration and a Compression Garment
Although tummy tuck is a very safe procedure, it is still surgery, so you should plan to devote proper time to your recovery by prioritizing rest and relaxation. To improve the quality and speed of your healing, drink water frequently. This keeps your body healthy and helps to reduce swelling. Another important way to minimize swelling is to always wear your compression garment, except while bathing. Not only does the compression garment prevent bleeding and excessive bruising, it also helps to produce better results.
Learn More During a Consultation
Dr. Harper and Dr. Graper are known throughout North Carolina for their expertise. They are prepared to answer any questions about abdominoplasty so that you know exactly what to expect from the surgery. To arrange a consultation, call (704) 375-7111 today.