Rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC

Rhinoplasty is effective at addressing a wide range of cosmetic concerns and medical issues. The profile of your nose can be changed dramatically by making it smaller, larger, narrower or more symmetrical, or by resizing the tip and nostrils.

Experienced Charlotte plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Graper knows that sometimes the most noticeable change results from a subtle surgical modification. To determine if rhinoplasty is right for you, Dr. Graper suggests a few key questions:

Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

You may be an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty if you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, have realistic expectations of what modern surgical techniques can do, and are excited to share your vision in a close collaborative partnership with your doctor.

Often the reason for rhinoplasty is purely subjective: The size and shape of the nose may seem fine in isolation, but a patient may believe that it clashes with the lines, curves and angles of other facial features. Perhaps the patient thinks their nose is too masculine in appearance or perhaps they are wanting to change the “family nose.” Other concerns can be a bulbous tip or a bump perhaps from a sports injury.  Dr. Robert Graper is skilled in walking  patients through this very personal procedure regardless of their individual concerns and desired outcome.

Can rhinoplasty treat medical issues?

Conditions such as a deviated septum, injury or problems breathing through nasal passages can also be corrected with rhinoplasty. Dr. Robert Graper has performed hundreds of procedures that address medical conditions, such as fixing a broken nose, widening nasal passages, removing obstructions for patients with breathing problems and repairing a deviated septum, the wall that separates the breathing passages.

Who should consider alternatives to rhinoplasty?

Although almost anyone is a good candidate for rhinoplasty, there are a few physical considerations: Very thin skin is not well suited to hiding the underlying structure of the nose; grafts and changes to the bone may be visible. Conversely, thick skin may not be sufficiently elastic to conform to the sleeker profile of a smaller nose. Age is also a factor. Younger patients generally achieve better outcomes. By middle age, with less skin elasticity and a slower healing response, results can become less predictable. If you have had a rhinoplasty before, the earlier reshaping of cartilage and bone, along with the accumulation of scar tissue, will make the surgery more challenging. A personal, private consultation is recommended to discuss your individual situation with Dr. Graper to develop the best surgical plan for you.

If you’d like to learn more about rhinoplasty, schedule your personal consultation with experienced Charlotte plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Graper by contacting Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery today.